Posted 8 years, 4 months ago by CionKeiasta

THAT U RLLY WANT b/c like dream adopts yo and the designs are A++++++++

and u finally have some sort of money but all the people who often got the $$$$$  are bidding like crazy so ur just internally crying when is it gonna be ur turn to get these beauties HAHA SOBS.....

how i feel about the gorgeous oriental wishbones atm HAHA STARES OFF admires them from afar

note: i'm not being salty HAHAHA IF ANYTHING, i'm salty about myself for not having a lot of money LMAO


\\ holds your kokoroh


Cries I'm trying to get one BUT IM ALMOST AT THE END OF MY BUDGET ;;-;;

//sobs oriental wishbones are absolutely gorgeous orz

i really want one b/c oriental, it's for lunar new years, aND IT'S A WISHBONE SC RE A M S . . .. . . .. ...

hughhh ikrr LOL after missing the last few oriental ones //straps myself to Niku's page < /3

most of the time, i miss b/c no money HAHAHA

stares at how some ppl have multiple wishbones (which isn't bad for niku ofc) buT //quietly whispers// can this trash child get a chance to achieve dream adopt too o)---<

//PATS ONE DAY ONE DAYYYYYYYYYYYYY + Ahh super jelly of the people that have multiple ones too ;v; //wish I could have that much money on hand for impromptu purchases aha

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yeAH IKR SOBS.......

i'm like yeh finally a few hundred then the bidding war escalates and ur like--- i know i really want this and it's a dream buT.... budgets (and my parents coughs) will stop me weeps...

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yeah HAHA omf if my parents knew i was spending on art and adopts HAAHA GOODBYE M E i think they would be less angry if i was spending that much on cosplay ///wipes sweat

yeah !!! i'm really happy for niku HHHH buT I JUST CRY B/C SO HARD FOR ME lays down

tbh i hope to be able to get on that level one day (the sooner the better so more practicing for u cion) so i can finally achieve and get the things i want :3c

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cRYING MY PARENTS DO THAT AND YELL AT ME......... and i just listen through their yelling and end up not answering their question :'>

yeah!!! or i get nice job (or just a stable income somewhere lmAO) so i can just get one R I P