NONE of my kids are resell OR trade!

Posted 8 years, 4 months ago by CionKeiasta

I don't understand why people can't bother reading my profile before sending me notes or PMs.

"Do NOT ask me if I'm selling or trading them UNLESS you do have something I really want (check wishlist).

Although please realize I've never resold/traded any of my kids in any time of need or for an adopt I REALLY want from my wishlist!"

People obviously have the time to note or PM me but they don't have the time to read what's on my profile?? ? ? ? LIKE WHY. Do you type in my name in the inbox? You go to my chara's page and send me a PM from there??? Or do you somehow avoid going to my profile or even try to look for any rules???  My kids are never listed as trade or resell so why do people bother asking??? Especially those who are taken in relationships??? Like why do people think I will break up my kids in relationship just so they can get the child. i"M JUST SO... >>  ARGH ? ? ? ? ? I've been getting countless of these messages and I'm just so pissed at this point JFIOSFSJ And for those who know me, my kids are my precious treasures. I would NEVER even resell/trade them even if I a m d yi n g. Just showing you want something so much until the point you would offer so much art, money, points, adopts would NOT mean a single thing to me. I appreciate you like my kid until the point you would do that but-- unfortunately, it won't mean a single thing to me because my children are priceless treasures to me, NOTHING can be used to place a value on them. That's just how precious they are to me. I don't care if I have "too many" because there are NEVER "too many" kids to me. I will take them in if they're unwanted by their previous owner/parent because they wish to find better homes. Just because I can't afford to get comms of them doesn't mean I don't love them, I try to draw them and work on their character/story development to make up for it.

In other words, 

"NEVER ask if I will resell or trade my children."


I know i sound harsh but being nice doesn't obviously work and if I will have to be blunt just to get the point across, then I will be harsh and blunt. If anyone ever pesters me about reselling/trading my kids, I will BLOCK you. I will resort severe measures when the time calls for it.



block me ;D in sexy way plz.

//punt myself out of this chat.

LOL pats ur back

\\ Hi- 5 UwU

//high fives back uhuhu


lOL TY ///amen moment

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That's something that bothers me as well. Designs shouldn't be only bought because you want to trade them off later. a) there could be people who have done something better with the design b) it's unfair to those who want a design by a specific artist but it's always the same person who gets them (okay as long as they pay properly for the designs it's alright but I still feel pity for those who want a design by someone but have absolutely no chance) c) the purpose of a character design should be to be used (this is what irks me most being an adoptable maker myself; I don't want my designs to die a silent death in someone's favorites folder)

Sorry for the random rambling! ovo

I think sometimes they see someone and they really like them and don't really think about it by the thing of "Asking a question won't hurt" I tots understand tho why you'd be upset-- getting a lot of messages about the same thing can be really annoying often people take a closer look at bigger or bold letters-- maybe try that too??

Yeah, I see a lot of people going by that logic and it will seriously annoy/piss off someone if that someone gets a bunch of those messages. I don't even have a resell/trade folder set up or write anywhere in their profile that I'm trading/reselling them? ?? ? So I'm just like-- what? ? ??

In honesty, I think at this point, people should actually try to look around and read if the owner says anything??? At this point, saying, "I didn't see it" is a really really bad excuse. It's not like I hid it somewhere hard to find too???

I mean how would people like it if I just messaged them if they might be willing to resell/trade one of their precious kids just because I really really want it and I'll offer a lot of goodies for the adopt. Then have this whole thing repeat over and over??? Like-- I just might as well disable PMs or something if people are going to constantly PM me? ? ??

Like I'm just really pissed and annoyed at this point.

Sometimes when I see something I really like then i go through their whole stuff to check if they say anything ahahah sometimes I feel like a real stalker but you are right....I am kind of scared to annoy them so i want to be sure that its fine if i sent them a PM I do think that its better to check everything first before asking but some people either dont care or are new to this and dont know how emotionally attached someone can get to their characters

Personally I'd just tell them sorry but they are not up for trade since I can be a relatively calm person until something really hits a nerve until then I'm pretty reasonable since I do not like to make people mad as me as well so I try not to project my own madness onto others as well-- more like in the treat people the way you want to be treated

but I do understand why you are so annoyed. you really love all of your characters and that's a serious issue if you really get a lot of those PMs

I mean it's true that asking a question won't hurt but sometimes you need to think on how the other person feels you know??? I mean some people don't list it anywhere about it and they don't have a resell/trade folder, it's okay to ask, like-- "Hi, I noticed you didn't list anything about reselling/trading your characters so I wanted to ask you if you do either of those things." Then the person would understand you took the time to look for it.

I used to start off saying I'm sorry as well but it's just too tiring to constantly repeat the same thing. I'm a lot more strict in business matters for many reasons < - >

HHH maybe copy and paste ahahah make a form and just COPY AND PASTE //Shot

but naw I do understand you~ some person was really eager about a chara of mine and I just..... wow they were so ..........they made you feel weird the way they typed was rather off--- maybe it was just the language barrier like sometimes when people are not as good in english they write rather informal---so maybe that was it but i dunno man--