Adopt rules

Posted 1 year, 8 months ago by aankir

If you are here, that means you want to adopt something from my Adopt folder, or you just clicked this bulletin by mistake-

How does my adopts works? It's easy:

‣ Every character in their bio has their value.

‣ By adopting you can't sell them. They are (at some point) freebies, so I prefer you to trade them, not sell, to be fair with me as the designer.

‣ Limit is - 2 ocs per person (please don't forget that making ocs do takes time and other people may wants to adopt them too).

‣ I have the right to choose who will adopt them + if I am approving your offer or not.

(Apologize if I will sound rude or smth, but I really don't mean to!)

I don't give ocs for:

x Writing backstory for them

x Naming them

x Telling why you want them.

And etc.

I can only take art and ocs as payments (no money).


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