|| Q&A ||

Posted 1 year, 7 months ago by Meguru-Sama

Please post any questions concerning the CS here!


hi, what are the rules/limitations to completely redesigning a completed myo (that is my own design but dont connect with anymore)?

Hi there!! Redesigns are allowed, as long as they are close to the original design
I'm good with anything ranging from changing the color of the whole design 

Apologies if this is a dumb question, but I got a Delta slot from the December MYO event and I can't seem to find any specific listing of what I'd be allowed to use w/ it [ie. how many rare traits/uncommon traits/etc. i'd be able to use on my Velaveil] !! SORRY IF ITS LIKE REALLY OBVIOUS GDNGJK I just cannot seem to find anything !! /gen 

It's no worries at all!! I think I might have deleted it;;

Delta is all common with two rare traits!

OOH Tysm tysm!! :]

Kind of a dumb question that I am likely overthinking too much.
Does a "Bravo" slot mean you can use only uncommon traits ? Or does it let you use common traits too ?
Please halp tiny brain cannot comprehend

Bravo- all uncommon means it's both common and uncommon. 

Whatever highest rarity you have, you can use the lower rarities!

thank you !

Got a question, can I make a Velaveil version of my oc? (technically it's more like an AU rather than a form)

Of course!! A lot of other people are doing that as well ^^

Yayayayaya alrighty, Thank youuuu   

Wait do you need to get them approved and if so, how? I don’t have discord or DA

You do need to get them approved! But you don't need discord or DA, you can send them to me ☺️

Oki Tysvm!!

Another quick question, am I able to use a base as long as I credit the artist for the MYO design?

Hi, sorry for the late reply! Yes, you're allowed as long as the proper credits are given^^

No worries! And tysvm!