Shameless plug ahead where I’m gonna use keywords related to disability to perhaps extract some pity (I will be upfront about this /lh)

the pitch
I have a Throne where you can help me fund some stuff I need because I am perpetually broke and also my legs sometimes don’t wory quite right—

the details
I really need to get some gloves for my wheelchair because I am not thriving shredding my thumbs to get around when my legs decide they don’t want to put in the work- and I also kind of need a cushion because humans have tailbones and mine is sobbing at the bare material of this chair’s seat (also my legs are a bit too long for my footrests and maybe the extra inches would help this problem because it either looks awkward or is uncomfortable or both-)

the plug(s)
If I’ve successfully convinced you to sponsor either helping out my tailbone or my thumbs, you have a few (two) cool options!

1. Throne
The simplest option; you don’t get much in return other than my tears and thanks, but you can directly fund these goods!

2. Commissions
The kinda cool option! You get art, I get money for the cause(s). This one takes a bit longer since I have to actually draw but you will get something cool out of it that isn’t my tears!

The endcard
I know we’ve all been living through historical events left and right- and so I know few of us have money to offer to others, please don’t feel bad if you can’t give! Trust me I of anyone get it- If you ever want art from me but don’t have access to money- if we’re mutuals on any platform (follow each other on twt, here, even insta or tumblr-) you can always hit me up about an art trade! I’ve been working a bit slower lately because of the disabilities I need the chair for, but I do get my work done lol. Take care of yourself first and foremost <3


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