Accepting New Commissions!

Posted 1 year, 8 months ago by CosmicSynthetics

Hey everyone! I'm in full work mode right now to keep up with bills and the like, so I'm open to commissions at all times until further notice.

If you're interested in getting illustrations, character designs, reference sheets, art assets, etc, please feel free to poke me here or anyplace else listed below:

Contact Information

Specific commission information is available on the Google Doc page below. I'm always doing my best to keep it up to date with proper pricing and what I'm comfy with drawing. If there's something it doesn't answer though, always feel welcome to ask me for specifics.



I have returned... again 

I have returned for another tri-mogg. The Dupe Original's time is nigh!

ahem I'd like to order another tri-mogg, this time a breeding. I'd love to mash kit159 28155642_IQd8tjqqOadsmen.pngfrv064 54351723_uACUXhMyAUi63XX.pngand dnkb0555242391_mGetXIlfkOA7SZY.giftogether. I have a hankering to see some slinks of the more 'generic' bauplan smashed together. That, plus these kids having weird sprite variations/ 'mutations' open up a load of possibilities!

Sounds good! I've sent you a paypal invoice, so let me know when you've paid and I'll add you to the list!

Just paid!

Thank you! YER ON THE LIST 

yeeee thankyou!

I have finally made a decision! Can I get a doodle page+ of Tanisucallo and Veneris cuddled up together please?

aaaand hecc it can I order a one breed wanderlust booster? I need more dinks! I only have 2 bodytypes 11127140_BHS8P9EwHc2T0qP.gif


and I want to collect the rest for possible breeding shenanigans~
I believe that would be $75 total?

Let's do this.

I'll send you an invoice on Paypal! Just let me know when you've replied. :D

I did it! Sent the payment!

Thank you! I've got you penciled in.

Completed! Finished this commission awhile ago but forgot to document it here heheh.