Hey guys!

I know I wasn't really active myself with ships but that worsend due the lack of chatting I have with most people (yeah timezones are also an issue). However, I came to a point where I can't really take it anymore. I am frightend to have other interactions with paired oc's due the ship they have even they are inactive. I am scared to make the story fit to active characters so I can at least use them sometimes and scared of becomming to attatched to some of them that it will hurt me more having the character lying aground unused than breaking the ship up wich is usually a sell/trade reason for me.
I just feel like it isn't right to let characters I love and also maybe traded stuff for or spend money on collecting dust in my folders. So this Bulletin will directly go to all people who have any sort of ship with any of my (Skillcy) characters even it was just an headcanon idea (bc I usually hold those characters free for those possible ships!)

If you are interested in working out story, relation, purchasing and/or drawing art of the ship and at least headcanon with me, even if we just write once a week, please leave a comment or message me on Discord (Skillcy#1966) or via TH PM, that you DO want to keep the ship(s) we are having. It would be cool if you would also come to me and say you don't want to, I am totally fine with that.
I want to keep the ships, don't get me wrong please. I really love them and I am deeply attatched to them but it doesn't make sense if we write like 0 normally. Yes I don't come to people often because I am afraid of bothering people. I don't wanna feel like I am the only one caring about them ;-;

So long text, short meaning. Let me know either way, please include the names of the ship(s), if you decide to keep or drop the relations or not. That isn't a friendship breakup or anything. I just really want to use my Oc's again >/////<

THIS ISN'T AN ATTACK TO ANYONE!!! Just saying in case ;v; Luvu all <3

Hope you have a nice day <333



I don't really remember the ships, kept the ship with the villain and crazy guy with blue hair. donno what happened akarichi and name i just can't spell.   

I still do lol thats why I havent sold any of mine and just have them in my inactive folder.

I wont get into it here, I can say more if you message me. But basically I've had like...a LOT of issues this past year. And it just get to me really badly. Plus I'm like you where I get too scared to message people after a certain amount of time on top of forgetting when things get hectic in life.

You can always message me if you want to lol I'd never get mad about that.

Yeah and I just want that 'invisible' inactive folder on my babes to disappear ;v; Thats why I made this >///< I have like a lot ships with so many people I all really like and love but at the same time we rarely ever talk and I feel like it's the time to cut off some things and move on.

But yeah we are basically the same at this point ;v;