Hello, digital travelers!

We come to you yet again with some minor updates and the prompt for October!
All details will be below - alongside with some other news.

OCTOBER 2022 PROMPT: Aemone-tober !
Yup, our own spin on the Inktober challenge! The chart above was made by our lovely mod Canisarts <3

How does this work?

It's pretty easy - for one day, there's one prompt to draw! However, we recognize that drawing every day would be pretty tiring and could lead to a quick burnout.
Therefore, it's only an option.
First time you draw a prompt in a week, you will get 4 Aemoney.
Each additional prompt from the following week will grant you 2 Aemoney!
Additionally, drawing the special NPC prompts will grant you 4 Aemoney as well.

Hope everyone has fun drawing their Aemones during the spooky month!

The deadline is October 31st.

You can submit the prompt in our Discord Server or by DMing aemone or 4nikai the filled form below:

TH Username:
Prompt number:
Is it your first prompt this week?: (no/yes)
Extra characters: (no/yes - if yes, please state whose characters are they!)

A brand new trait you can add to your upcoming Aemones!
They serve as emergency plasma portions - if the Aemone is injured or something happens to them, they always have some close to them just in case!
They're little plastic packets/pouches filled with plasma. The plasma must match the one the Aemone has in their leg.
They can be any shape.

For more info, refer to our Traits page.

- Please keep to the prompt theme, even if loosely.
- The prompt must have at least one Aemone.
- The prompt must be at least a halfbody with clean sketch and color.
- You can draw however many characters you want, but only 3 extra characters will count towards the total points reward.
- The base reward is 4 points for one Aemone piece with no BG.  
- 2 points can be added for a complex background, and 6 points max can be added for extra Aemones.
- You cannot submit both an art piece and a written prompt.  
- No NSFW submissions are allowed. Same goes for very suggestive pieces. Keep it 100% SFW.

- Written submissions must have at least 500 words (will be awarded 4 points). Extra characters are not given points in writing submissions.
- Written submissions will get +1 point per every extra 100 words (maximum 8 extra points).  
- The maximum that will be rewarded with points is 1300 words (base 500 + 800 extra).
- Please don't paste your writing submissions in here. Instead, find a site to host it (whether it's TH, AO3, whatever else - up to you)

This is also a reminder that the monthly MYO sale will be held on October 8th!
A bulletin will be posted to the world.


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