In regards to the @blqckbird situation

Posted 1 year, 8 months ago by Yuemu


I know a lot of people will come from Blqckbird's 'callout post' on me to see whats happened. This is all you'll find. I'm gonna keep ot breif, you can screenshot this and send it to Blqckbird for all I care, but I'm leaving this account and website permanently after i post this. I want to premise this by saying not to attack anyone. 

This was originally a PRIVATE matter, but since starriology took it upon themself to make first 1 bulletin blaming me for their moving, another 'callout post' on a bulletin and to apparently speak about me behind my back in other servers and groups, its only fair I get a chance to give my response.


A private matter between me (Yuemu) and Blqckbird was publicised without need by Blqckbird and private information was slipped by them.

My grievances:

First of all, I less than appreciate them dragging my best friend into this. This was a PRIVATE matter, that had not been mentioned to ANYONE. Secondly, I also don't appreciate them block evading not once, not twice but 3 times, as well as basically stalking me through my characters. Third, again, I don't appreciate them stating my own situation and issues NO MATTER how vague. That was NOT their place to say and it has caused me extreme distress, now I feel even more unsafe. And lastly, I don't appreciate them giving out dms between us. Even if it has nothing really personal, I still don't appreciate it;

Now, the story goes as follows.

First contact:

I had told them that I was leaving the internet because of my mental health. And I did. I made this account purely for the purpose of storing my ocs so I wouldn't lose them and had planned to block all people I knew except 1/2 very very close friends who I trust with my life. I'd apparently forgotten to private a couple characters as Blqckbird somehow found them. The only way they could've found them is by actively looking, theres no way you just 'happen to come across' an account that blocked you.

Of course, this stressed me out. I'm already unstable, so I immediately panic. They asked for an answer through another person, who I won't name, and I gave them this.

(Username is covered for the other's privacy)


Obviously, for someone to say they're leaving the internet due to mental health and then proceed to block almost everyone they knew, they don't want interaction. But apparently, that seemed like an invitation to block evade further.

Second contact:

The first time alone could've been understandable, if I ignored the fact that the way they found my account could be classified as stalking behaviour. However, they proceeded to direct message my best friend, who will not be named and I will simply call 'BSF' and asked for an answer from them.

BSF came to me privately and showed me the message to get my input. I told him to say "Lucien has private reasons that he doesn't wanna speak about", which he sent and is evident in Blqckbird's bulletin, which I'm assuming you've seen if you've come from there.

Third contact:

Logically, it should be left at that. Twice now I've stated I don't want to and shouldn't talk about it, so thats twice now they've gotten an answer and twice they had the chance to leave this issue alone. Yet they continued to contact me, at this point it was harrassment, which understandably would stress anyone out.

If you could put yourself in my mind for a moment, please; I'm easily distressed, multiple times I've left the internet for days, weeks and even months due to the stress of having an online presence. So you can (hopefully) imagine how much a repeated contact from a blocked person would stress me out, as well as BSF being dragged into this. This situation caused me so much stress I was brought to near panic attacks.

After about ~12 hours of the message sitting in my inbox, I opened it in the company of BSF. I didn't respond, only having opened it for my own comfort and considering they already had an answer.

The initial 'callout':

The initial post about me didn't bother me a whole lot. The one announcing their moving from the account, apparently, somehow at the fault of mine. It did stress me out a bit, but I left it at that and blocked them.

Did I seek out their new account? Yes.

Why? Because I wanted to block them myself as well, despite having plans to leave the site.

I justify this by saying they had already blocked me from that account and this was a possible solution to distance from eachother and, what I had hoped, leave the situation behind us and go our seperate ways.

The 'ranting':

I won't be bringing names, locations, etc into this, but I found out that Blqckbird had been speaking about me in a group setting, which was thankfully shut down by the moderators reportedly before it could get too personal or out of hand.

Obviously, I have no idea how much of this is true, however I do 100% believe the moderators to be telling the truth on the ranting part.

There is no need under ANY circumstance to bring up this situation to ANYONE. Yet Blqckbird did so anyway. Of course, I myself am guilty of ranting about this, however it was to only to my 2 closest friends and was in the midst of panic.

Of course, if this is wrong, I can't be excused of the same thing, however take into consideration that this had spurred due to the sudden publication of a private matter.

The second 'callout':

This is why I'm making this bulletin in the first place. The bulletin was brought to my attention by an unnamed friend. Blqckbird had made it seem as if I was trying to hurt, be rude and lie, which clearly is not true in the slightest.

My intentions from the start were to leave aside from contact with no more than 5 friends. I'm unable to even finish reading the bulletin due to the sheer amount of distress it causes me.

The entire callout was EXTRMELY unnecessary and a targeted attack. The passive aggressive nature of it, especially the comment at the end, and the victimising was extremely petty and uncalled for.

This situation, which was a PRIVATE matter, should NEVER have been brought outside of direct messages; not to friends, not to mutuals not the the general public itself. I aim as I write this to stay standing in neutrality, but its difficult when I'm a victim of minor stalking and harrassment in this situation. Not only am I a victim, but BSF and the first unmentioned person is aswell, as being dragged into someone else's private issues is completely unfair.

Blqckbird had NO place nor right to bring others into this and ESPECIALLY to publicise, not only the situation, but bring MY PERSONAL information into it PUBLICALLY. Said information I had stated before is NOT TO BE SHARED EVER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES.

I don't understand why this callout post was necessary at all. The situation can easily be explained as a 'private matter' to anyone who asks, as I have done. This purely feels like an attack and an attempt at manipulation against me, BSF and the public.

My worries:

I genuinely worry for my safety. I don't see what information I have that I could possibly use to dox Blqckbird. Its known by them my memory is less than amazing, as well as I now only use a discord account to direct message 5 close friends in total, which means all our previous direct messages are not accessible to me.

However, I don't know if Blqckbird has changed their discord. I don't know if Blqckbird has screenshotted private conversations. I don't know what they've told or shown people and I genuinely worry for mine and my family's safety. I don't put it past them, after the stalking, harrasment, block evading and publification of this issue, to not use things I have said against me.

I do have one thing I could use as a form of blackmail against Blqckbird, yet I wouldn't. I won't even hint to what it is, because thats a low move. I'm not one to PUBLICISE people's PERSONAL LIFE. Unlike what has been done against me, I will not be stating it even in the vaguest sense aside from this.


This whole situation, which was a protection for my mental health, started as a private matter. Blqckbird brought not one, but two other uninvolved people into it and caused both of them distress through that.

I was harrassed and stalked, while both on the minor end, it shouldn't have happened nonetheless and was EXTREMELY detrimental to my mental health.

Not only that, but Blqckbird proceeded to publicise this on at least 3 seperate occasions that I'm aware of.

Myself and other's I've discussed this with agree that I am NOT in the wrong here, and that Blqckbird has wronged me and others by publicising this issue that should have and VERY EASILY could have stayed private.

It would've been easier on both parties to leave this matter as a personal thing, and to leave it alone as I and others had said to MULTIPLE TIMES.

This outcome is the result of self-victimisation and pettiness on Blqckbird's part.

If this seems rude, passive aggressive or something else of the sort I do not owe, nor will I give any apologies. I am distressed, I have lost sleep over the acts of another.

If Blqckbird spills ANYMORE information about me, my friends or doxxes me in any way, shape or form I will be contacting the state police immediately without question or negotion.


Now, Blqckbird, for the love of whatever you wanna choose, LEAVE ME ALONE. I DO NOT WANT CONTACT WITN YOU. Through you blowing this out of proportion, you, yourself, have ruined ALL possibility of me EVER trying to speak to you under mutual or friendly circumstances again. This unnecessary outcome is your OWN fault.



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Thanks :') ive deleted everything except this