I run an official Plush Babies telegram chat and trading spot!  As well as an official discord server.
If you would like to join either chat please submit the form here:
(telegram is more active right now)
I apologize to anyone who's submitted the form to join discord.  I'm not really sure how discord works still and was unaware you can only join through an invite link.  There is one on the form now;;


PLEASE  make sure to include your exact telegram username!  I've had a lot of  entries lately with invalid usernames and I can't add you if you don't  give me the correct @ ; v ;
Also PLEASE make sure your settings are set to allow you to be added to groups or else you will not be added.

If you have been in either chat before but left on your own accord I cannot add you!  Please PM me  directly on telegram for an invite link. (toucanette)

*If you're not added into the chat in a week after submitting to join please PM me directly on telegram (toucanette)


Hey! The discord invite link for me is invalid as well, I'm pretty sure you can set up one to never expire if it helps ;o; !!

Ahh thanks I just went ahead and updated it with one that shouldn't expire ; v ;

Thank you !! That one worked ❤️

hi!! i thought i would lyk that your discord link on your google forms is broken, i discovered this when i went to join but it was invalid D: could i please maybe get an invite to the server?

Ooh thank you for letting me know I just updated it!