
Hello everyone! During the last event, I've been thinking to let the species become half-open, for everyone who cannot buy a MYO to participate. The Florus and the whole Florus universe is something I made with a lot of love and cherish, so, I decided to let the rarity Common of Florus open, because I want to give opportunity to the people that want to participate in this project I love so much. 

With the upgrade of the opening of the Common, I upgraded the Terms of Use (yes...again). After some things that happened, the MYOs and Florus obtained for free in the event of free MYO cannot be sold, exchanged or gifted. More info in the TOS

To those who got an common MYO in this event, you can upgrade for free to the rarity uncommon! Just contact me~ by the way, all the MYOs on the masterlist (account) have been removed, I put there for people to save the card, that has a name and such, proves that you own it, the new masterlist (page) has all the slots and also information if you can sell the MYO or not.

And another thing: there was an announcement of unofficial adoptions for people to do... I ask you to discard this, it's an idea that I thought about a lot and gave up qwq

And that's it! If you want make a common florus, check here! <3


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