story rules

Posted 1 year, 11 months ago by dufflebag

story rules

The following applies to the entire “STORY” category, and no other location’s roleplay category. Story roleplay is the most important, plot moving parts of the story. Large events, such as battles where everyone is participating, will all be done in #📃story-rp . To put it simply, any sort of roleplay or event where we want everyone to join in, will all be done in #📃story-rp.

We will inform everyone ahead of time (several days before, etc.) when we will be having a large event held in #📃story-rp . The story roleplay is more DND based, to make it easier on the mods, and really, everyone. Battles will all be turned based, and there are stats involved, just as there are in normal DND campaigns.

script roleplay



  • Eve will be instructing everyone’s rolls, therefore, we will be using #🎲actions-and-rolls for this purpose. Eve is going to be requesting everyone to send their “action requests” in the channel as well. An example of that can be “CYANSTAR would like to sniff for any sign of SLEETSTAR.” Any action that you’d like to make will be rolled based off your stat points. In the scenario above, she would ask you to roll 1d50+(physicality)! So, if your character has a physicality stat of 3, you would simply roll 1d50+3!

HP rules

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