actual design and description my OCs

Posted 1 year, 8 months ago by kris_tasy

my visit card  

actual design!


  is a crazy imaginative , always coming up with some adventures and getting into delusional situations that then become stories

  it can move both on two limbs and on four

  runs after the sunbeams

  very fiercely shares with all emotions (both positive and negative)

  always rushing somewhere

  funny jokes and laughs himself

Toxic 13

  Very old, I had only one OS until recently, and so I thought that kristasy was somehow lonely and decided to revive her very, very first character

  Toxic 13 itself is very, VERY kind and friendly, likes to make fun of kristasy, but in a kind way!

  prefers any company, would you like to spend time with someone

  can get stuck in some business and not distract him in any way, in any WAY at all (well, he doesn't like being distracted)

  Their common favorite things are to play board games, play together in a field among flowers, explore new places, kristasy often pushes the toxic to some adventures and gives them great meaning

in general, they both romanticize their lives, their friendship "on the verge" so to speak, but it seems to me they are not ready to admit each other yet each other's feelings (they want to keep this feeling of such understatement)

sometimes it's awkward for them to spend time together, because their secrets and desires for each other are common and the same


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