Need to sell some characters (usd)

Posted 1 year, 8 months ago by sillykavat


I’ve posted them everywhere with minimal information about why I need to make USD but I have started to live with my friend and their partner but I make no money. I want to pay them back. I also really want 70$ to be able to buy the virtual console versions of the old Pokémon games on 3DS but I’m more worried about paying my friends back for everything they’ve done for me. They let me live with them and feed me for fucking free. They are struggling with money right now and I feel like a freeloader. Anything helps- if you’re worried about it getting straight to them you can pay through MyOcLightning who is my irl friend <3


This is the link to all my current for sale characters

I will also do on base customs for 5$ and off base customs for 15-25$ (depends on how complex, most will be 15$)


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