sometimes i wonder if i intimidate people? ? ?  like am i too friendly at times? ?? ?  like i know a bunch of people need some pushing to talk since they generally don't start talking to others unless someone else initiates it;;;;


or is there just something wrong with me and people don't actually want to talk to me much ; - ;  //and i'm only like side person when they need someone to talk to 


it just makes me wonder if i should try to start convos with other people anymore lOL;;;;;;; like i treasure every people i meet and the friends i make so i try to talk to them to keep in touch but it seems like some people don't seem to even care anymore??? like heck the first people i met that are my friends and who are still active around dA are like... slipping away from me??? especially like two people that i thought were my super closest friends are just? ?? ?  from me now like i honestly don't want to hear bs reasons such as "i didn't want to bother you because i wasn't sure if i busy  when they clearly have time to make journals asking who wants to chat when i've stated so many times they can start up a convo whenever they want with me on skype? ? 


idk i just hAHA SO DONE WITH MYSEL F  like i try to be derp as much as possible (i'm actually like that tbh) and friendly even in rp apps yet no one is interested either hAHHA so i'm just like-- i feel like there's something wrong with people that makes people not want to talk to me LOL;;;;; or even bother trying to be friends with me 


i'm just so insecure when it comes to friends tbh ?  ?  all i can think about is how long will they be able to be friends with me before i lose more friends again haha;;;;; i'm very glad i still have some friends but urgh;;;;;; kicks myself tbh #how2friends #how2life #how2bepositive #how2anything


\\ hug hug hugs welps I feel u O(-< I think its not your fault tbh-- either they find a new friends or smth like that I guess-- better not keep someone who didn't want to be keep-- I'm sure you'll find better friends :')

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ahHA i'm easily distracted so i tend to forget to treply or i'm legit busy with something rip---

but i just prefer people being.... more--- honest??? it's better than getting someone's hopes super high then disappoint them when they find out sig h s

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cries dudee dont sweat it! ive said it before but if u need to vent or talk just pm me on skype anytime!!!

the thing w/ dA is that its slowly dying and a lot of us just,,, dont talk to ppl unless spoken to first (i am like that rip;;) im sure its not you orz;; its just people gotten a bit more closed rather than opened up aaa;;; but yeah i dont think its you its just people being anti social'n all which is understandable bc everyone has different reasons/causes for it OTL

cries ty ////// sometimes i feel dumb and it's like posting for attention but i just want to see what other people think of this oTL;;;;;

i'm fine if you guys don't try 24/7 but if it's once in awhile then i feel much better about myself ; q ; like you guys are interested in me and such and i'm not trying hard for nothing weeps-

i know some people have trust issues but sometimes they can try learn to open up because some people don't realize they're hurting others who genuinely care for them OTL;;;;


and if some people chose to not open up so easily its bc of the damange other people have caused them ;w; it happens man. take it from me haha;; but other people are just extremely shy or have a horrendous anxiety ;7;

i knOW BUT IT'S JUST SO HARD WITH ARTIST COMMUNITY OTL;;; i mean heck some of the artists in the cosplay community are pretty anti social but they're always willing to talk to you if you show interest jfeiosjfesio

i've-- actually been quite damaged by many friendships that caused me to breakdown, go into depression, distrust people and such lOL;;;;; i just usually try to hide it and try my best because for all iknow, the next person i'm friends with will be a great friend to me ;;;;; so like-- as of right now, i won't regret initiating that convo-- i know if i hide behind my fear and not start convo, i will regret LOL;;;;;

i was actually a mix of introvert/shy and super extroverted child but i was too talkative so i became annoying or i got in trouble for being too talkative so i slowly became an introvert and didn't really talk to others outside of my friends FFFF--- but cosplay community made me open up more so now i'm more outgoing but i'ms till rlly shy in some situations-- so it's a hit or miss HAHA;;;;; like i will either go up to the person talk oR JUST NOT TALK AT A LL-- //what happens to me at cons a lot whenever i go--

akjhsdf/// yes i talk back to people who talk to me or jsut like put a comment bc i love talking to others but im like this anti social bomb sometimes bc i keep to myself either playing games all day or sleeping or other stuff and its just akjhdfg// RIP @@@@ mE FOREVER?!??

but yEAH i completely understand bc im the same as u in a way and its just to try our best to find new people we can get along and trust ;w;; btu as ive mentioned if u ever want to talk im here for u like always and it basically goes for everyone i know on TH bc ive met some pretty amazing people here <33

Aha I don't know you personally but I think it's really admirable how you're able to start up convos ;v; (+you're really friendly too!) as a lot of people are pretty shy/awkward at initiating //like me LFMAO

LOL thank you ;;;;; I try my best but sometimes fear gets a hold of me then I end up not starting convos;;;;; I don't mind but I would like the other person to try once in awhile even if it's a random hi/how are you doing or sharing random things with me LOL;;;;; it just shows u do have some interest in me and it makes me happy ;;;;;;;; or if i end up starting all the time but the other can engage in the whole convo with me also makes me happy ;;;;;;

i look down myself a lot because i feel like a dumb happy dog who can't just understand people don't want to interact/talk with me and i end up feeling like i try way too hard or anything ; - ; i just know i'm going to be hurt again but i have that tiny hope that makes me continue orz

omg cion bbu~ you're like my first friendly deviant that actually talk to me in dA when i first started before- //paps u hard at least for me, you're really friendly and nice~ //huggles

jfklsfs cries ty bby ////// that means a lot to me ; q ; !!! i'm glad you think that way !!! it's always so fun to talk to you because you're so nice to me ; u ; !!!! melts down and hugs u

//always willing to talk to you more /////

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jskefljdsfdsl cries tysm o)---< in honesty, it's like-- am i being overly friendly??? where do i limit myself??? so i get rlly confused and not know what to do sighs ;;;;;

like all i want to do is get to know people and be friends with them--;;;;; it's so tough to be sociable with many artists because many stick in their clique or just not open to people? ?? even the most unsociable cosplayers (some who are artists) are still more sociable??? OTL;;;;;;

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