
Posted 1 year, 7 months ago by Miccynix

trying to get rid of characters right now! so taking any type of offers, https://toyhou.se/MommaMiccy/characters/folder:3422103 also ill entertain offers on https://toyhou.se/MommaMiccy/characters/folder:3086258 and https://toyhou.se/MommaMiccy/characters/folder:2683496 may accept if im not attatched to the character mainly looking for art!!! 



It'd be cool to get them back aaa

I can offer swap if your looking for other characters 

nah u can have them back!! im sorry they're in purge I was just struggling to attatch

Aaa it's okay!! Imma Def use em again!!

https://toyhou.se/4993569.nerissa for nerissa I can offer from my sales folder/art!