Skype--? ? ?

Posted 8 years, 6 months ago by CionKeiasta

Just curious but did I add anyone on skype and not reply/mention anything to you guys??? haHAHA or if u guys messaged me and i haven't replied to u guys--


Like I don't get notified when someone accepts my request and a bunch of group chats and personal chats happen so they tend to kick some chats down so I don't realize when someone accepts my contact request haHA SOBS.... or when person messages me and i don't get notified bECAUSE SKYPE DUN TELL ME r i P 


And I nap at various times so it doesn't help me on missing stuff rip i also have a habit of reading things when asleep/half asleep because apparently i reply to people during those times and i just-- cion water u doing


u drunk go back to sleep


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