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Good evening I'm interested to see what the deadline for this little fella would be if I start the bio today?

Name: Kane


- Caring

- Loyal

- Protective

Fatal Flaws:

* Loyal to a fault

* Petty

* Cold


Kane had quite the traumatic childhood with his parents passing on to the heavens when he was just 7 years old. He always blamed himself for their deaths, after all they gave their lives so that he could live his. After that day, he swore to himself that he would try not to get attached and I'd he were to grow a soft spot for someone then he would protect them, no matter the cost. He spent years living in the shadows. The shadows cast by the trees in the forest seemed to cloak him and protect him from harm. When Kane was just a small boy, his mother would gently stroke his head and say. "You my dear, are going to accomplish great things, after all your name is Kane, Warrior" Being completely honest that small quote that his mother would tell him was what was keeping him alive, well that and the fact that when he was just a pup his mother had bathed him in the Styx. He had the Curse or Achilles. However he didn't know this so he was just unique. One day he met a beautiful young wolf. She was just like him, she was lonely, and seemed scared. But one thing that attracted Kane right away was the fact that this girl was simply brilliant. She strategically placed trimmed twigs into place making some kind of vase. Then all of a sudden she touched it, and changed in a foreign language. Out popped an olive tree. She broke one of it's branches and carried it as she entered the denser part of the forest, animals of all sorts bowing and showing their respect towards this interesting creature. Kane had absolutely no clue when or where she had gone because by the time he realized he had been zoning out the wolf was nowhere to be seen. The only proof that she had actually been there was a beautiful olive tree, with a broad trunk, slender branches, narrow leaves, and the perfectly round olives.