Comments on CLOSED Custom Raffle - MINE All Comments

I would love to enter your giveaway!!!


And I love Roan and Kosho. I have talked to you before about Kosho. I love that he's a skater and his outfits are super cute!! And I tend to really like red heads and Roan is a total red head (to clarify the actual color red not gingers lol)

Ummm I'd love to add more here but it's super hard on mobile ^^

Thank you for entering once again Shadow! You have a total of 4 tickets! And lol yes Roan is a defiant red red head, not a ginger. I love giving my characters unique traits xD 

Awww thanks. I hope you the best with your giveaway... ^^ i have one I've had to keep extending the deadline lol ^^