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oh wow that sounds nice :O you graduated highschool?!?!? thats crazy man!!!!! im only a softmore rn lol-- congrats!! and yea that seems pretty though :[ i dunno if ill go to college or not. i hope you can manage that price tho TOTT . what are you going to be taking classes for there if your comfy sharing? totally alright if not ofc i dont wanna pry ^^ gap years sound so cool tho- id plan to take one but i think it'd be taken up by jobs & stuff lol

haha thanks man!! honestly i havent really thought about what classes i wanna take! maybe animation if thats an option?? photography sounds fun but its probably more expensive because you gotta buy a good camera i think rip

afdgsfzhdgjxfkcj sorry for the super late reply again, i have a bad memory hff ^^;; animation is so cool, id try for it but i doubt i have enough patience. ill try for concept art but idk if that needs like exceptionally high skills or something. and photography aAaa,,i love the concept of photography but ive never actually done it, i dont have a phone or any good camera. but all awesome options :DD i think i took a small like 1 day moving image arts during the interview for my current school, they provided cameras and apparently lend them out to students (who are actually in the class), anyway you might be (temporarily) given a camera? idk. that all sounds awesome though,, good luck choosing something u like ^^ !! currently im in literary arts but thats just because i forgot to choose my schedule last year(summer?)- i really love pretty much any visual art, drawing/painting, sculpture and so on. music is really cool tho too. i took band for two years in middle school and it was life changing for me lol, i really wanna play piano but keyboards and stuff are expensivvve. and thats a really long comment lol-

no problem man! i barely have enough patience for animating, i just never have any ideas for it lol- oh dang you got to borrow camera? thats really nice actually! im sure since college is so expensivs that they'd give you a camera at least temporarily, but i have no idea pfft,, thank you though!! :D aw man i was not good at literary arts, thats more like my brother's kinda thing, literary stuff and whatnot- oooh band sounds really fun!! i was homeschooled so i never took classes like that, but i did learn to play my uke in like 8th grade! im probably still not playing it right since i dont use my thumb on the fret board but i think it sounds nice to me lol

i think a "right" way to play a ukelele is kinda funky, if its making a noise you like id say its right lol, but AAA if u ever can id reccomend it, playing a part in something that loud and triumphant is a hell of a adrenaline boost, even if the band isnt super good in person its still really immersive and sounds good-- i did end up going into concert band but my favorite song that we played was defender of time in beggining band. have you ever seen a big band/orchestra play in person? maybe its just cuz of my opinions but its aMAZING //and yeehh lit arts is relativly fun but not my completely my thing it doesn't fuel my soul like VA lol-- ah speaking of really immersive band stuff-- do you by any chance like lovejoy? i dont wanna be that one annoying fandom person cough cough but a new album came out and id highly reccomend, im currently blasting "Perfume" into my poor eardums lmao

ooh yeah i've heard concert band is really fun!! my older sister had a friend like 9 years ago that invited my family to one of her oorchestra kinda concerts and it was really good!! i dont remember much since it was a while ago ofc but i remember the atmosphere was cool,, ALSO YES I DO LIKE LOVEJOY???? I LISTENED TO PEBBLEBRAIN 10 MINUTES AFTER IT RELEASED ON YT ITS SO GOOD MAN I LOVE PERFUME BUT CONCRETE AND THE FALL ARE MY FAVORITES I THINK?? ALL OF ARE YOU ALRIGHT IS REALLY GOOD TOO AAGH

13 Replies