Comments on Zauna Belmont All Comments

Hey! Decided to comment on Zauna because I thought she was a cutie c: It's also nice to see a developed, regular young teen character! (I feel like they are often overlooked and believed to be boring :c )

Anyway! I like how Zauna has all these little quirks and details that make her realistic! Especially her flaws; despite her chaotic good alignment, she is far from being perfect (ie. how she has seen bullying happen but didn't do anything because she wanted to fit in), and that's normal! But she is still a good, friendly girl and an overall heart-warming character! (: Her relationship with her father (and Hugh!) is also adorable, I always love seeing characters who have healthy relationships with their parents!!

Her design is, like most of your characters, pretty simple, but that fits her character perfectly! She's just a regular 12-year-old after all! And green is the best colour :D