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*haha* Yeah I'm pretty short, but sometimes it's easier that way.

I'm not doing bad. I've gotta say though, this place is strange... where do you come from anyway?

Edit: I can't wait until Stygian meets Lucy!!! ^▽^ >◡

*he chuckles* Well, I'm certainly not one to talk... I know how it feels to be... err, short. At least I'm a little taller than most people though, at least I hope so. It is indeed a strange place, some even scare me here. However, for the most part it seems calming and peaceful... To answer your question, however, I come from the world of Draconai, ...I'm starting to notice that a lot of my friends come from other worlds. I presume you originate from an unfamiliar one as well? *he tilts his head at her, a slight curious look in his eyes*

Edit: Me too!! (*゚O゚*)

Hmm, Draconai, that's seems like an interesting place. I come from a place called Aruniko. have you ever heard of it?

(°▽°) hehehehehe

*shakes his head* Never have, sort've sounds like a place I'd hear about though... What's it like?

Well, It's mostly just forest and mountains, and a total of about 8 different islands. The middle island, also the biggest island, is the mainland. All the others just surround it. I think at one point they were all connected, but that would've been a long time ago. 🤔

Huh, that sounds a lot like how the three continents of my world came to be. Is it filled with any dangerous monsters or treacherous locales?

Edit: You've inspired me to put some work into my world 👀

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