Comments on CLOSED Custom Raffle - MINE All Comments

I am absolutely in love with your mers designs, their colors, the design, their tails! I love Nalani marks and their hair?!!! Asra outfit, they looks so mysterious and beautiful. I just can't enough of them. So these are my favorite designs (im in love with merfolk so it's a bit biased i guess). And Mor, something about your 'fantasy' designs that I'm falling for real quick.

As for my favorite character of yours..... Mor. His design is chef kiss, his pallete and overall everything. His duo tone hair, his personality, style, being a spirit. I just, sorry I wish i was better describing what i like in him but i'm known for being really confusing when explaining hah....

I am now subscribed to you u.u

I hope you have a wonderful day/night and sorry for going on circle :/ i just really liked them and your style

daojpasjds thank you for saying that about my more fantasy designs! I've actually just started being able to come up with those ideas and be able to show them within my art style. (basically Im proud enough of my art style that I can now actually feel comfortable sharing my designs XD). You have a total of 7 tickets! I wish you luck!! 

(Also since you mentioned liking my fantasy designs Ill let you on a little secrete...Im creating a masked wondering spirit to be within the same realm as Mor... this fellow wears a crow mask and has a crap ton of markings.. oh and a possible bird like inspired outfit 0u0 )

well, your brain deserves many rewards (and you of course) because those are just so good (damn almost wrote food e.e) i'm so happy you are more comfortable now with those because its a pleasure to see them!

(no way :o im itching now, i cant wait to see now, aaaaaaaaaaah the suspanse) 

Awe Thank you! I can't wait to finalize his design and share him lol

well i also cant wait for such!