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I absolutley love your profile desgin!! Did you use a code for it?? If so, could I have it? I've always loved asthetic profiles!

Thank you so so much! I used eggy's Tidy Coding ! I specifically used User Axis for my profile. It is a pay-to-use code and it requires Toyhouse Premium. I modified the colors on it to my liking. For example, I made the pink to blue water background myself. c:

oh ok! tysm for replying so quickly! I don't have premium (or money- im broke TwT) so I guess I can't get it, but I'll looks around for some more! Thanks for your help, and btw I love your art style, its so damn cuteeeee XD

Of course no problem at all! I appreciate it very much! There are a ton of great resources here! Eggy does some free HTML codes as well. Best of luck in your profile making! c:
