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ah that's too bad you didn't get a bigger role jwrgfhwrgfj but I suppose at least the upside to that is that you don't have much to worry about :'D and yeahhh I figured you preferred deltarune :0 that's totally valid !! and I see where you're coming from I just ,, undertale has been a hUUUGE comfort for me for like ,,, six years now ?? even back when I wasn't able to play it and I was just watching ekho play it- I think that's one of the reasons I'm biased and like it more lmao- bUT that doesn't mean I don't like deltarune hooo boy I love that game too it just ,, doesn't give me that same feeling of nostalgia and comfort as playing undertale, if that makes any sense :'0 the one thing undertale got way better I think is the fourth-wall breaking and multiple routes/every decision you make having a snowball effect on the rest of the plot ;; like sure deltarune's plot has more to it, but mAN the storyTELLING in undertale cannot be beaten by anything (in my opinion) and the multiple routes each with their own spicy new development to the plot is just flat out amazing- whereas I've only played deltarune once so far, I've done playthroughs of undertale like ,, over and over again ,,, I've legit lost track at this point I just love playing through it all and then replaying it again it just never bores me ;-; but again I would probably like deltarune more if it weren't for the thousands of happy/good memories I have that are associated with undertale ^^ bUT YESSS QUEEN IS AMAZING JDHAFUWHEFJ ;;; the line I laughed at was when she gave the offer for you to assimilate into her army after playing the boxing game thingy and she says the whole 'you can either perish under the chill of absolute destruction or flourish under the warm bosom of my hellish reign' or smthn like that- aND IF YOU SELECT THE BOSOM OPTION SHE LEGIT SAYS AND IM NOT JOKING: " It Means Tity " AND I LAUGHED SO HARD I JUST JSDFHJERHFJ I CAN'T-

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wait who always beats you ? :0 and I think I'm just so used to playing undertale I don't really have any trouble on the normal bosses or pacifist ones ,, it's only genocide I get stuck on jewhfuwhrfj I used to think the undyne and muffet bosses were really hard though but they're legit so freaking easy for me now because I've pLAYED IT SO MANY TIMES LMAO- I'm scared to know how many hours I've put into that game- still can't beat undyne's genocide fight no matter how hard I try though ;; I got her down to a little under half hp and then died and got so mad I just gave up pFFFT ;;; I actually find it a bit more difficult in some ways since you have to be constantly keeping track of three characters instead of just yourself, but maybe that's just cause I'm a bit of a loner jgsdfhgwefj it is a fun change of pace though :0 and yeah spampton's fight was rough ,,, I died on his fight once because I only had kris when I was used to having two others and the whole game was built around having multiple characters ;;; his fight was probably the second-most annoying one for me simply because spampton himself is annoying to me and I've got no healer for that fight ;cries; man I freaking love those kinds of jokes as long as they're done right tHAT LINE MADE ME LAUGH FOR LIKE FIVE MINUTES JHSDFUSRGFHJ ;;;; I'm so glad ekho told me to pick that line it's amazing :'D AND IKR THAT LINE IS ONE OF HER BEST ONES SIMPLY BECAUSE OF HOW FUNNY IT IS XD

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wait rEALLY ?? that's kinda surprising for me hhh ;; I guess you're just not as fond of the bullet style fights ;;; I find her fight as super fun and I just get in the zone when I'm fighting her :0 I actually found it too easy this recent time and did the action to speed her bullets up lmao- maybe try it again one of these times ? with her fight it's crucial to stay calm since if you get damaged it kinda throws off the pattern ,, that's probably one of the most annoying parts of her fight jwrhchwrgfj again I think it's because I've played her fight too may times to count- even more times than I've done runs of the game bc with some bosses like her, mettaton and muffet I'll purposefully die at the very end of the fight so I can play it again cause I'm just like that :'D

yeah the first queen fight is definitely one if the hardest ;-; although she's not the number one hardest for me since i died on spamton and not on her- spamton's fight just sUCKEDDDD- I find jevel as being the most difficult boss in the game so far ,, although I haven't fought spampton neo so I can't speak for him but ,,, jevil is one I tried like six or seven times and got maybe halfway through his fight before giving up ?? idk he was just a rough fight from what i played hhh

really ?? I love adult humor when done right- I guess I've just gotten used to it though over the years jsrhgjsrhfj I mean fully uncensored akuro makes me laugh like crazy :'D IT REALLY WAS SUCH A HILARIOUS ONE JFEHWJRHFJH THAT WAS THE HARDEST I'D LAUGHED IN LIKE A WEEK,, I LOVE QUEEN SHE HAS AMAZING CHARACTER-

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3 Replies