Comments on NeilCicierega1 All Comments

Hey, Trick or treat ! ... Is that what we're supposed to say huh-

Heard a lot about this event happenin'. Those inferior organics seem to enjoy it a lot. Especially the idiots callin' themself "Travelers". Heh heh heh... I'm getting bored, it's about time they'll see the glorious me again !

I'm Tierce. Some peoples call me "Maverick" too. I'm nothing less than your friendly neightborhood killer robot, here to blow things up ! Muahahahahahaha !!

You little organic must be honoured to see such an elegant robot like me ! Well, to be honest, toying with some Travelers nerves is enjoyable, especially when me and my bro are stealing stuff from them...

Goodbye, human.


Would you like Art or a Custom? :]

Oh thanks ! I can take anything, you can go with the one you feel the most confortable drawing ^^

I decided to make art and I just finished!! :]

Ooooh Ethelle is really cool in your artstyle ! Thank you so much !^^