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Hello! Thank you so so so much! It's a pleasure to meet you! o<o/ 

Welcome to the fandom~ also I'm so happy that there's more people out there who like OrikeroXCanon, haha! 

I'm such a sucker for OrikeroxCanon/KerosonaxCanon, sometimes we just need to give our favorite froggos some love. ✨💜

It's such a pleasure to meetcha too!! You're honestly a big inspo LOL 

also I thank some of your art on pixiv for making me realize something about myself LOL

Also thanks for the welcome!! :D I'm very much enjoying my stay in frog hell so far xD

Also samee. It's really fun and honestly makes for great story! My main boy Siroro is smooching a kooky bastard curry froggo LOL XD 

Aaaaa I'm so honored to be an inspo to someone!! Thank you! 

(LOL I'm,,,sorry in advance for a ton of my weirdness over there on Pixiv. Though I really do miss dumping art over there, maybe sometime in the future I'll get back there. ;;<;;b ) I'm glad you're enjoying the froggy hell fandom! I honestly didn't really participate in the fandom until making some friends a couple of years ago, I've been a fan since 2009 but just stayed in my own bubble lol. It's cool to make friends in the fandom and geek out over frogs, haha! 

It really does! And I'd love for Kururu to get a good smoorch from someone, aww! ✨🤭💜

Hey no problem! :D thanks to YOU for being so cool!

Also no worries (coughs innocently) nothing weird there to me hehe! =wob

Oh I totally understand that!! It's always fun to have a freind to geek out at! My roomate was the one who kicked me into this wild wacky place LOL then I dragged my sister in XD

Yess. Kururu is my favorite LOL the snarky jerk can have a little smooch as a treat uwu❤ (Sorry if I'm blabbering too much x,D I tend to yammer when excited LOL)

Haha!! I'm super honored! And I'm glad it's not too weird there. 😂

Nice!! Yeah, my sis and I have been a fan of this series forEVER  and we got a few friends into it, but they're not as active as we are--er, my sis isn't as active in the fandom as I was. xV 

Kururu is best jerky boy,,,,as much as I like Tororo, Kururu was the first jerk-frog! 💜✨ (No worries!! Sorry if it takes me a while to reply, I just got a new 9-5 job and I haven't been able to balance my work/online life yet =<=;; ) 

Yeah no nothing weird x,D I've done my own things anyway LOL

Yeah I'm quickly learning it's REALLY nice to find active folks in a quiet fandom XD 

He is though!!♡♡♡ I love him so much jfhfhf and how wonderfully complicated his character is jdgdg I just wanna squish him n smooch him LOL as for Tororo I'm mad they didn't show him more in the series tbh because that's my son boy jdvxc

My little angry cocky son boy who probably sends Garuru memes I bet XDD I have so many hcs for him LOL

Also hey I understand! Works exhausting! Uhh would you be ok if I shot you a dm? That way we don't clog the comments of your profile xD

1 Replies