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Uwaaaa, thankyou//// I really love how they drew him too !! * A* I commissionned them for a very long time, and I messaged them a few days ago for the second time to ask some updates about my commish-- //always feel bad to do that Busy artists make me sad, because it musts be so though... Obligations everywhere o(-<

But yes, I was so happy to see that look in Mary!! Mary can be a somehow really mysterious chara B).. or at least, that's how I see him, ehehe///

Waaa don't feel bad!~ I've been waiting almost 3 years for a commission, but the artist does note me letting me know I haven't been forgotten!~ But yeah, I know how you feel, especially when you're excited to see it!

Waaa I think Mary would have to be my fave OC of yours!~ I just love the white and pinkish red hair lolololol!~ And I love mysterious characters just as much as I like shy ones ^.^ Rowan I can see being a little mysterious and shy at the same time : )

But yeah!~ I love Mary in her style a lot! It really brings out the cuteness in him!~

O_____O 3 years seem like a lot !! ;_____; I haven't even been in art/commissions/etc for three years omg-- But if the artist still message you every now and then to tell you that then well... q wq At least they didn't disappear, or acted like there is no commissions at all ! ; w; )9 And yup exactly, ahah-- Time machine, where are you... //SLAPPED

Uwaaaa, I see !! * A* I'm always curious to know which of my OCs is the favourite of other people's-- //slapped Mary is kinda outstanding compared to the others so... Yup, eheheh, I'm happy to know that >///< )/ Hope he'll still please you once I wrote everything properly down //rolls And ooooh, mixing mysterious and shy, eh? Niiiice !! *_____*

And yes, absolutely !! ////7/// )/ It gives out a really nice vibe ;///;

Lol yeah, three year is quite a bit of time lol~ Though I know she's very busy with school and things so waaa.. ;v; But the characters she's designing for me are characters from my story knights. I hope to have the whole cast designed someday waaa!~~

Oh me too!~ Way back a lot of people liked my twins Aki and Yuri, but I haven't had any artwork done for them in a LONG time waaa! I kinda feel bad since they are one of my first OC's.. //SOBS I still love them though!~ But yeah, Mary has an interesting personality to me lololol~ That's one reason why I like him!~ I look forward to reading more once you get his info up!

Waaa yup!~ I've always wanted a shy, gentle, yet mysterious boy!~ I think having Rowan mute helps a lot with that too ^.^ Once I get the story's base down, I'll work a little more on his profile : ) Waaaa and nice vibes are one of the best!~ ^.^

Three years is actually so long... //cries Even tho A year passed by so quickly, three years seem... a lot?? Aha-- but of course, we can't help if we're busy ;; A;; Who knows what can happen in a person's life during three years ! Plus she needs to rest too and such-- (...but somehow, I saw some artists you're waiting a commission on, and I get a feeling I might know this artist ?? Idk-- I might be wrong tho, but haaa, I'm just a really curious person //Ashamed) And I see, that's really interesting !! * A* I hope for you too~~ By the way, I didn't forgot to read, I'm just-- a pro procrastinator who has also other things planned that I'm really late for too, ahhh //rolls and cries

Ooooh, I quickly read their infos and all, and they seem soooo interesting !! O AO Ahhh, I'd love to read their stories too!! * A* Ahaha, I can understand why people liked them !! After all, they are really interesting and intriguing, whether it's design-wise or personality/story-wise !! *_* And oooh, thankyou/// Damn, I hope you'll still find him interesting him once I finish his most important infos, bwahahaha///// //rollrolls

Ohoho, I see, that's true !! +_____+ Ahaha, I'll check his profile every now and then then !! > w< )/