Comments on [Freebies] Halloween YCH! All Comments ✧ Canine; Fox2 ears; Fluffy,Fluffy2 or Fox tail(whichever fits better, I like both) ✧ One of the purple/blues from the palette for the bucket, design up to you ✧ Default expression is good ✧ Mohawk/hair-tufty if you want, not mandatory. All crystals can vanish, so you don't have to worry about those unless you wanna do the little ones on her shoulder and tail. White stars in design are sparkles in the fur and don't need to be exact. Dash-like markings aren't exact either

- - - ✧ Canine, Fox2 ears, Fox tail ✧ Similar to bandanna ✧ Default expression is fine ✧ Mohawk if you want to

Thanks for the opportunity ! <3