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does anyone in my uft folder interest you? can offer art as well ^_^

I didnt see any characters but I'll accept art! ^^

ahh cool!!! id be down to offer a fullbody or two ? :o can do smthn else!

Id accept a fullbody! What would u be fine with drawing? :0 (human/humanoids, feral, or anthro?)

ahh sorry for such a late reply, I’m cool with ferals  and anthros!

ahh no rush in replying but wondering if u saw my prev response?

another bump since it’s been a while ^_^ no rush!!

omg im so sorry I completely forgot about this!! I haven't been really active these past couple of days due to exams + person stuff but!! i am so sorry for the trouble I'll just go ahead and send u the character if you'd like!

3 Replies