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HI XYRA I feel like I haven't seen you around in ages!! How are you? :o)

wooAHHH omg hi ryder !! i was actually looking at your designs earlier this week, was thinking abt saying hi : D Doing good! struggling with college now that i'm that age but i'm handling things X] how do u do? 

XYRA!! REAL. our brains connected, just for a brief moment... MAN... COLLEGE. we're all so old now wtf. I hope it's going well regardless!! If you don't mind me asking, what's your major? :^0

I'M ALRIGHT! been up and down as always :^D trying to improve my art

DUDE WE'RE SO OLD............ i have college friends that are......... 19 😱😱😱 im majoring in econ... becoming a capitalist sell out 

glad ur doing well tho :DD and that u make time for art, always great to see my friends grow 

OOOH MAN GOOD LUCK WTF! I plan on majoring in history whenever I decide to go to college (I'm not going immediately after high school bc fuck that)

YEES OF COURSE! YOU TOO!! your art is just as wonderful and amazing as always and super inspiring

OH MAN sory for taking so long 2 reply, life just kinda took over for a sec

honestly good for you!! history sounds like an interesting major, and yea, go to college whenever you decide to on ur own terms! u go !!

3 Replies