Comments on 🌀 Ellunia 🌀 All Comments

Heyo! Is she for sell? I'm not sure if she is or not because it says she is up, but at the same time, she is in your beloved folder. <<; 

Yep, shes for sale!! The trade guide is a 'unless otherwise stated' kind of deal ^^

Ohh okay okay! ^^; Sorry about that, just wanted to be sure! 

Do you do holds by chance? :Oc I am interested in them, would it be okay to hold her for a week, it's okay if not! 

Yeah I can totally hold her for a week as long as you're sure you're interested in buying!! I've had alot of people backing out of resales lately after I hold for them so I just want to make sure haha ^^;

Oh for sure, I LOVE them!! <3 I will for sure give you the payment after the week! :D Thank you so much! 

ok!!! sounds good I'll mark them on hold for u!! feel free to toss me a dm when u can pay ^^

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