Comments on $35 Jitterbug All Comments

Hey there! Hope you don't mind me asking, but may I be pinged if this baby is ever open to offers/up for sale? I absolutely love their design <3

Thanks so much either way!

I don't mind at all! I'll let you know then! ^u^

Thanks so much, I really appreciate it <3

If you were still interested, this design is up for sale right now!

Thank you so so much for the ping!! I still am really interested in them although I've been taking a little break from being online as often (so apologies for the late reply). I can potentially do the full amount in USD if you wouldn't mind around a month hold (with about half upfront), or possibly USD + art/trade now! I can also do up to $20 USD right now if you'd take less USD for them <3

No problemo! I'd love for them to still go to you! I wouldnt mind $20 and art for them if you'd like!

Or I can do the month hold with half down! Either option works for me!

8 Replies