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hey wasabuu its pine :^)


I'm tired asf and I have finals this week I'm dying

im not the one to give advice since im still in 8th grade but ,, finals are gonna be over and you'll get to relax when its done right ?? idk im not that great at this but yr amaazing and i would think you're probably gonna pass anyways skrksskjdfsjf so good luck<3333

im not the one to give advice since im still in 8th grade but ,, finals are gonna be over and you'll get to relax when its done right ?? idk im not that great at this but yr amaazing and i would think you're probably gonna pass anyways skrksskjdfsjf so good luck<3333

lmao I guessed on so many I was like DEAD it was too much work to take in at once now I have to do my English final which is worth 3 test grades gvhjko damn that subject

scrchshkshkhk im also actually dying right now,, two days ago i was fine and now my eyelids are swollen from crying and i dont want anyone to look at me ,, and i was crying abt a math assignment thats not even due but my mom likes to lecture me a lot  which reminds me im stupid cxcxcskjkdjflkjslkjkdlskaj;lfkj;skghal

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