Comments on  MoshiMoshi Closed Species All Comments

hey uh- I dont wanna be rude,but-

this probably should have a selfharm/suicide TW...? and,I don't think you intended to,but making the ones who killed themselves angels meanwhile any other who dies are or "normal" or straigth up evil sounds... pretty... bad ^^;;; I'm sure is just the wording so I'm just letting you know! 

unintended or not suicide is a pretty heavy theme so I'd just recomend being more cautious with writing it on a species,it sounds lowkey romantized here ;w;;

ah i thought i added one I must have deleted it by accident or just forgot to post it, my apologies  I should add that right away.

ty :'0 may have been just my pc too,i dunno,was just letting you know!

No its my fault i probably had it ready but deleted my tab or something and forgot about it ><

their I added a small warning code as soon as you open the world (i either dont remember how to add a warning thing on a world or you cant but i added a code instead if that helps ><)

yeah that helps! that info isn't on the main page either so it should be good >:3 ty!