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I hope you're doing well too! aaaaand that you like the art I just sent you ^-^


i haven't been doing too well and the art was a rly nice surprise!!

I'm so glad! It was fun to make, and I've been trying out CSP so it was good practice for that too. ^-^

Aw I'm sorry you've been having a hard time, I hope the art helped cheer you up for now at least.

i hope you're enjoying csp! it's been maybe a year since i bought it and i still do not have a god damn clue what im doing AHAHAH it did! things just suck sometimes and i've had pet death recently but like this ahfjkdsjhf made me smile a ton tysm <3

I got a free trial of it with the cintiq I got a while back and only recently activated it. I got it set up as closely to my photoshop workspace as I can cuz I'm thinking of going ahead and switching once the trial is up. My little old photoshop is struggling and can't do some of the things it used to do without crashing/corrupting files, but I refuse to buy a subscription to use the newer versions so... CSP it is. Only one PS tool that I needed was missing initially but someone made a version of it for CSP that works almost the same way so I downloaded that and I'm pretty happy. I just miss all my brushes and the ability to name individual swatches so I know what they're for. :/

Oh jeeze, that sucks. I'm so sorry, pet death is hard to deal with. If you need to talk I'm here.

i think you can name swatches but i'm not sure! you can probably also get your brushes transferred but i'm also not 100% certain but you could find similar ones. it's def worth it to buy it one time [be it pro or ex, pro does have some animation features] and go, although csp has a subscription option i like that it's not like photoshop where you HAVE to have a subscription bc adobe is whack as hell.

sprite got dropsy and that was it for him, everything i tried didn't work. and my snail got stuck in my sponge filter while it wasnt filled in and died. things have just kinda been downhill but i'll manage!

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