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oh uh

oh my god


i had a really weird dream last night and it had more than one part to it

in the first part, i was with my dad and we were at a store and it had a bunch of buttons there (like the kinds at hot topic) so i just stood there and picked out a bunch of them for a while and then we got them and then found out that my school was talking about how it'd be doing an annual "war" tournament like "they did last year" (which is basically like fighting with nerf guns and stuff and it was weird because my school doesn't even do those?? wtf?)

anyway they were gonna hold it in my house for some reason and for another reason i'm not sure of i was really excited to do it (even though that kid i had to call the police on was there?), and it turns out that that night we were just doing this thing where we.. registered for something?? so basically a group of kids were at my house chanting and it was late at night so i grabbed a book and it was writing i did when i was 11-12, which brings us to part 2

in the second part, i was reading stuff i wrote when i was 11-12 and.. it was different from the stuff i wrote when i was 11-12.. for one thing it involved the characters from ice age for some reason??

for another thing, it involved my oc dai, and rcia's oc lyam. dai found lyam and claimed him as his child and then later on picked lyam up and held him over a cliff like what rafiki does in the lion king (even though dai's like 5'2 and 12 years old and lyam's most likely a grown man?? how does dai get that kind of physical strength??)

part 3 (final part but also the longest) just kinda came abruptly, i was with kittngore (even though i don't even know him in real life? he was also female so don't even ask why my dream was like "this is kittngore") and we were with some people who professionally did spray painting for birthdays and stuff

like i think it was a kid's birthday so one of the guys spray painted a dragon on the wall and was like "okay let's get out of here before the parents come back" 

anyway, then kittngore and i are outside and it looks like it's about to rain and it's the evening (some of the clouds far away had that dark grey smudge at the bottom that showed it was raining heavily there) and so we're talking about the spray painting and then i'm looking at that cloud and i'm like "uhh.. i gotta get back home", it then starts raining

we were like.. not too far from my dad's house which is about 30-40 minutes from where i live? but then we find a big warehouse and we're just running in it for like five minutes (and it's still raining in the warehouse even though we're inside?) and then suddenly we're close to my house (there's the big landmark in my hometown) and so then kittngore's just like "oH MY GOD IT'S A TORRENTIAL DOWNPOUR" as it starts raining really hard and we just suddenly get in a car somehow (like we were running a second ago and then boom we're in a car) and the car has one of those cameras that shows you what you're doing and it started raining so hard the camera lost connection

and then it just stops raining suddenly and so kittngore just looks up and says "oh it's an overpass" and sure enough there was an overpass (but there aren't even overpasses in the town i live in?? i live in a pretty small, basically suburban town) and then both of us are screaming 

then i woke up and thought "wtf was that?"




just wow

it sounds like a 10/10 dream

i wish i was there

i once had a dream and you were in it but you were this short blonde girl ? and in a more recent dream you were there except you looked like the boy in your old toyhouse icon, but i pretty much saw that coming cause that's how my weird brain works


what even

my old friend was a short blonde girl.. but i'm actually a brunette and i'm like 5'4

and i apparently looked like mike from stranger things ok

(then again who am i kidding i had a dream where one of my ocs claimed rcia's ocs as his child and then tried to throw him off a cliff.. i told her about that and she was like "wtf")

yeah uh my braun is weird-

also uh i knew you're a brunette because i somehow found a project from like 2016 or something with this mangle foam plushie thing you made ???? and in one of the photos there was like a corner of your hair ????

i'm not even sure what that project was

i... idk

oh yeah that.. it was paper mache and i still have it in my room for some reason idk

i think one of the most concerning parts of the dream is the guys who apparently spray painted professionally but then they were like "okay let's get out of here before the parents come back"

yeah uh--

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