Comments on Simeow All Comments

God, she's so cute. I want her so badly. Is it possible that I could get a hold on her for payment on the 31st? I know it's a while away, so if you aren't comfortable with that, I'll just check back to see if she's still available by then.

GOSH toyhouse does such a great job telling me when somebody comments 😭 I am so sorry for the late reply, but I can always do holds if you still want her!

It might be a bit, my job isn't very stable at the moment, but I'd so appreciate it! I still very much would love her!

Of course! I can hold her for a month if that works? Just send me a message when you can afford her! I totally know that unstable job feel @__@

You are such a blessing! Thank you!!

I have enough! <3

Awesome!! Could you send the moolah to [email protected] ? 

3 Replies