Comments on ScrowInnDoodles All Comments

Hello! I am the creator of this character, I would like you to return them to me because of problems with the base TOS, this character cannot be sold for more than its original price. they were given to you for surely lower than 40 AC on THA.

if you do not want them, I will gladly take them back.

no worries!


Okay 👍 and I had forgotten they’re worth sorry about that 🙏🏻

It's fine, no worries again!

I just can connect to them anymore T-T if you’d like to take them back for the ac price they are worth, you can 

120 is a bit too over-priced (sorry!) I can max. return you the AC they were worth for (25 AC) if that's ok. ^^

I’m fine with 25 ac I just want them gone 😓

2 Replies