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psssttttt wanted to tell you was actually made by me xD //knows my crappy sketching anywhere

transfer sent! thanks for letting me know ^^

ah no prob xD i was going through your babies and spotted him ovo

oohhh you be stalking my babes XDD see any you like? //eyebrows// most are up for ships if you are interested //shameless plug//

I was mostly looking at your xynthiis xD zoe is already taken but i do have a poly girl (suki) and someone who prefers just having sex buddies (catullus) if you want to look at them for Eurehl cant really rub suki on alvaro cause that his sister (unless your fine with that sort of thing? I honestly dont care xD) and i dont knwo if any of my boys would work well with him. i do hav ea girl i might rub on you for him if i get her though

Eurehl loves love so yes he welcomes them all XD

and tbh i wouldn't have a problem with that but Alvaro would probably a bit weirded out by that but he's been hard to ship for me anyway so idk what to do with him XD

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