Comments on Customs (Closed) All Comments

hi!! i can offer a scene ( although i am really bad at drawing buildings alahdldjahdk ) and custom for a standard design? :o i might be able to add more too :D

here’s scene examples!



WHF your scenes are so gorgeouss >< I'd love to accept! You can reply / TH message me with the following form filled out:

Theme: (for this one you can give me photos, text, etc.!)
General Colours / Palette:
Additional Info / Preferred Accessories:
Alt Palette: (a bonus for the art paid - yes/no)

And you can fill me in with the info needed for the scene and custom, in the case that you require a particular form completed c':
Perhapss if you have the time cleared to do so, would you take two customs for double your offer? The scenes are actually so pretty omg  entirely up to you however

ASAKJS WHAT thank you so much, you are too kind!! ;o; i’ll send a message in a second!

i might be able to do the double offer, but i’m not sure if i’ll be busy later :’D would it be alright to just do the one for now, and if you’re still interested later we can work something out? :o

oh absolutely!! Take your time ^.^ no pressure at all, I don't mean to overwork you - I'll be awaiting the message :{D