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I could already tell that they're horrible people just by going by the fact that they seem to be okay w/ incest and pedophilia. And after reading most of the things in the docs... They're way worse than I thought...

As a victim of age gaps/pedophilia this shit really hurts to see. {I knew somebody who tried to hit on me and he was 16 while I was 13. I was also groomed by somebody the same age as him. Was groomed by 2 people at the same time and I never knew until after I found out about it}  

Also they're fucking ablest towards systems too?? Imagine being so awful towards people like that. It's not their fault they have it and from what I know, most of them get it from trauma so that's p much fucked up of them.

It's frustrating because we have all this proof against them and they refuse to acknowledge that they've hurt people. There's so many testimonies against them too so it's like. I don't know man- it's not coincidence that you have a track record...

(I'm really sorry you had to go through something like that. That's awful)

Also, seriously. Systems already went through horrible trauma as children and for these people to think a facet of their lives is not part of their world view? That's pretty gross. 

Stay safe out there! Thanks for reading the doc :>

You're welcome! Also to help out, I'll try to spread this around by making a bulletin and linking this from there if that's alright with you!

I would appreciate it! The more awareness, the better :>

Alrighty then!