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Hi Fluffy Jo!

This is Ava, but if you remember me, you’ll probably remember me as Violet’s Art on Kusuri Amino. Looking back, I’m happy that you were cool with my underage 11yo self just messing around with art and stories, and you were active in the KA community which made it easy to find *other* artists who supported my beginner self, too. I don’t remember exactly what you were like but I remember thinking you were really nice and cool. I just wanted to say thanks for that.

Hi! I do remember you now that you mentioned the Kusuri Amino! It's been a very long time. I'm surprised to hear that, I'm so happy that you think of me that way <3

I remember every members in KA were so nice as well, and always there to support my (crappy) kusuri adopts back then! Thanks for the good memories!