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aAAA I love the way you organize your folders, like all the characters from all folders can be seen at once ;__; may I ask how you were able to fix it that way? 

I've seen others with the same layout but I can't figure out how to fix it that way haha :'D (not sure if it's a code or not). I hope it's okay to ask you >//<

oh yeah! im still not used to it SKSK
you have to go into your folders and choose a main folder
to use your folders as an example, you would go choose your neverland folder and set the folder style to flattened, like this!
just to make sure, i would make all of the child folders in there flattened as well :0c

omg I had a feeling it was somewhere in the settings bwaha. Thank you so much ;___;!! time to layout all my babs hehe