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I can offer 3 flat colored fulls and 2 shaded busts for this bean! If you accept, can you DM me on Instagram please? If you don't have it that's okay too you can just reply back. My Insta is 

Can do!!!

awesome tysm x3 ill put her in pending

I can't see 2 of the characters you sent for the fulls, I can see Bon Bon but the other two just say Invalid Character Address

you should be able to see both try again maybe? darling had a warning on so i removed it but the adopt has nothing wrong with it see if you can see her page

Hmmm it's still not letting me see them, would you be able to send their refs over Instagram?

i can do that one second my insta is xxcloverheartxx

Oh I checked, I can see Darling now!

i am dumb lol i forgot to make it to where she is able to be seen she was on authorized only my bad XD

Ohhhh its all good! I can see her now, so its all good!