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name: anne

gender: female

occupation: scientist

likes: doing the right thing, helping science and humanity, her family, hot coffee with whipped cream

dislikes: failure, losing progress, her family being hurt, some higher-ups


i honestly see her as high-security lab scientist. working tirelessly to save humanity from a wide blown epidemic, dealing with her marriage problems since she lives and breathes with her job. unknown bad guys attack her family and threaten to kill them all if she does anything to prevent the spread of the deadly disease, which is turning ordinary citizens into wild feral beasts with a thirst for blood and hunger for flesh. she promises to pay a huge cash sum if they leave her family out of it. the bad guys, not being swayed that easily want her money and connection to the men upstairs. she obliges and brings the baddies, only known as "Rota X" to the so-called Magisterium, which is a council with all the important men, who roll the dice and control everything in the lab and in the government. the president of the magisterium offers a deal. a sort of... win-win situation for both of them. anne will still work against the disease, but she'll do no progress, but the families of all the members of the magisterium, rota X and anne herself will be injected with an antidote, which will protect them. and anne will also receive a fat stack of money to keep her mouth shut. will she accept? or will she not? who knows.


i would use her for story purposes mostly and also use her as a comfort since she's very pleasing to the eye.