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i love your characters so much,, everytime i see one in a thread i get so excited LOL. if you have anywhere i could read about your lore/universes i would be super interested :>

oh my god hi I've only just recovered from squealing about how sweet this message is aaaaaAA?!? thank you, that is so so sweet of you!

if there's anybody you'd specifically like to know more about feel free to drop me a message literally any time and I'll happily ramble LMAO but if you wanna just explore, most of my well-developed kids have full profiles linked in their TH pages! That includes info on their backstory lore and universes. Pretty much all the kids in the Fortune Galaxy folder come with their own unique planet and species lore, so they might be a fun place to start. >:^D I'm super flattered any time anybody is interested in my kids and really appreciate the comment dude!! <3 ✨ 

i will definitely take a look around and get back to you when i have time!! thank you so much hehe,, I'm excited to look around ♡