Comments on Gareth Cerard All Comments


1.) what's their favorite color?
He wouldn't say that he has a favorite color per se. He's very fond of blue, though, since it is the sacred color of his faith and goddess, and also frankly suits him fairly well.

Recently, he also developed a deep appreciation for amber...

2. tell me about their laugh: loud, soft, giggle, guffaw, cackle?
Usually a quiet chuckle. Might include a snort if he's really caught off-goard.

3.) where are they inclined to hang in a crowded tavern? Probably either the bar if there's a free spot, or wherever the quietest corner is.

4.) what's their most valued non-essential-equipment item?
Does a journal count? Because probably that.

5.) do they do anything to relax?
Imagine Gareth relaxing. Probably petting and cuddling Lancelot. That's pretty relaxing and grounding. He didn't have (and still doesn't) have a lot of helpful coping tools besides that.

6.) could they take care of a house plant?
Depends on the plant, tbh. He's not much of an expert when it comes to plants, but as long as it's not something too exotic, but something that just needs some regular watering and pruning, he'd do just fine.

7.) another fave, hmmm, what's their favorite food?
He's a simple man and would appreciate any well-cooked warm meal. If he had to pick a favorite, it would be brie. Fine on a slice of bread, even better when baked.

8.) must pick one: dragon or unicorn
Giant dangerous flying lizard that can scorch and eat you or mystical, good natured horse with a horn? Unicorns, yeah.

9.) are they a spring, summer, autumn, or winter person?
He'd probably say of himself that he's an autumn or winter person, with holing up inside in warm clothes and a nice hot drink, but frankly, that seasonal depression be hitting hard.

In truth, he's feeling best in spring. Fuck summer, though.

10.) what do they wear to sleep?
At home, he'd have a proper set of pyjamas or even a nightshirt. When traveling, he'll just stick to shirt and underpants.

11.) do they collect anything?
Small bones, as part of his faith's rites. Somewhat related to that, he also collects the names of the recently deceased (and born) from his daily prayers, as a sort of memento. Would feel weird to just throw them away.

Aside from that, he didn't exactly have the chance to engage in any collecting hobbies, but he would weird and possibly macabre little figurines and trinkets. He still has that mummy matryoshka... The first of many?

12.) what would their dream house consist of?
Four walls to keep warm, enough rooms for a small family, and maybe a nice little backgarden to spend time in with the one he loves.

13.) when's their birthday?
June 23 (or whatever the local name would be for the month). He doesn't really bother to remember or celebrate it, though.

14.) what would be the title of a ballad chronicling their life?

15.) what about favorite.... fruit?!
He's a fan of berries, I think. Especially more sour ones. Currants for some quick, fresh snack.

16.) how about animal, do they have a favorite animal?
He has a deep respect for birds of all kinds, strongly informed by his faith.

His favorite animal, though, would be Lancelot. Obviously.

17.) name something (or someone) they are grateful for
Once again, Lancelot takes top spot, carrying him through some of the hardest time with his unconditional love. Of course he is also so grateful for Ireena and the light she brought into his life, despite the deep pain and sorrow he is struggling with right now, and he is grateful for having Sock's friendship, despite the headaches he causes him on the regular.

18.) what type of sandwich would they be? yes, I'm serious

19.) early bird or night owl?
Yes. There's a point that is too early, even for him, but he's the type to regularly get up at 6 am without fail or complaint.

20.) more favorites!!! beverage?????

(Some tea, probably, frankly.)

21.) what cheers them up when they're feeling down?
A snuffle from Lancelot or a smile from Ireena.

22. another pick one: beach or hot springs?
Hot springs! Nice and cozy and relaxing.

He'd just burn on a beach and everyone would see.


23. are they a gossip or a keeper of secrets?
He's not much for gossip.

24.) what were they like as a child?
A disappointment. Curious, though insecure, when he was really young. Couldn't keep up with his parents' expectations, so he turned into a depressed, rebellious and (self-)destructive teenager fairly early.

25. favorite outdoor activity!! yeah!!!
Imagine liking the outdoors....

Probably something simple as taking a stroll without expectations, or doing some maintenance and care of the graves and plants around them (back when he did that).

26.) would they enjoy the Spice Girls as a concept?
He would not... dislike them? But that is so not his world or style.

27. favorite dessert
A nice sweet pie!

28. describe them but as a candle scent, please
Goodness, uh... Something cozy and homely and old-timey... Fresh rain? Dried roses?


Yeah, that.

29.) would they wear a funny hat?
Only under threat of his life.

30. and one single mechanics question: if you had to pick a different class for them, what would it be?
Honestly, I'm really into the idea of down-on-his-luck depressed but romantic poet bard Gareth.