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101 questions you may want to know about your PC


1. Are your parents still alive? Honestly, I'm not sure. I don't think so.
2. Do you have siblings? Yeah.
3. Did you know your extended family – grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles? I met my grandparents maybe once or twice... But I don't really remember much about them.
4. Did your family have a “black sheep” – someone who was shunned or driven away? You mean me?
5. Does your family have an eccentric member, someone who marches to a different drummer? Hah. Yeah, I guess.
6. Does your family approve of your adventuring career? They don't know and they probably wouldn't care.
7. Were your parents living together when you were born? I think so? Not sure. Never bothered to ask.
8. Did your parents continue to live together as you grew up? Yes.
9. Did one or both parents ever leave home for extended periods of time? Father was out a few times for some of his studies.
10. Do you have any children? No...


1. Have you ever had a pet? What was it? I suppose... Lancelot would count as one? A raccoon.
2. Is there something that keeps you from having a pet now? Apparently not.
3. Is there some sort of exotic creature you wish you could keep as a pet? Does a raccoon qualify as exotic? I wouldn't really want to keep anything as pet that is not suitable to live as such.
4. Have you ever mistreated a pet – yours, or someone else’s? I hope not. I do still feel bad for leaving Lancelot behind back in Vallaki...
5. Did anyone ever mistreat your pet? Aside from him being all alone in that awful house... I think he has been lucky enough to stay out of trouble for the most part.


1. Growing up, was your family well-off, or poor? Well-off enough, I think. We definitely weren't starving.
2. Did a family member have an unusual attitude towards money – greedy, spendthrift, stingy? I'm not sure. If they did, it didn't really concern me.
3. How important is wealth to you? Not very much. I'd like to have enough to not sleep out on the street. Anything more than that could be used to help someone else.
4. Has anyone ever stolen anything from you that was important to you? Nothing important, I don't think. Or maybe I'm just good at convincing myself it wasn't important.
5. Does anyone owe you money? There's no debt I consider still owed. There have been a few families who did not have enough to pay us back for the funeral service. I don't begrudge them for it, though.
6. Do you owe anyone money? Not as far as I'm aware.
7. Do any of your family members owe anyone money? I don't know and I don't care.
8. Is anyone in your family owed a debt? See my previous answer.

Living Arrangements

1. Where did you live growing up – a house, a castle, a cave? A house. Two floors, and enough room for more than one study and storage room. And even so, it always seemed too small. After that... a Pharasmin church.
2. Did you stay in one place or keep moving? I stayed at the church for as long as I worked there. I've been traveling quite a bit ever since.
3. Did anyone else live with you besides immediate family? You mean after I left said immediate family? Father Antoine lived at the church when he took me in.
4. Did you have your own room? At my family's house? Yeah. At the church? Also yes. I think Father Antoine furnished that room just for me. It wasn't much, but it was nice.


1. Growing up, did you meet members of other races? As a kid, not really. If we had any guests, human or not, I was usually to stay away. When I helped out at the church, yes. Everyone dies, sooner or later.
2. Did you have any friends who were of another race? Not really, though my circle of friends was.. fairly small.
3. Did you travel far from the place of your birth? It is a good bit away, yes.
4. Did your hometown have many people of other races? Not many. Nothing you wouldn't expect in such a small town. Mostly halflings and some half-elves. The occasional dwarf and gnome, if they didn't get bored there. Anything else was usually just passing through.
5. Did you live in or near a city? Near a small town. With more smaller towns a day away. The next proper city was.... a ways away.
6. Did you ever visit a city? Haven sure is a city.
7. Did you live in or near wilderness? I guess. There was a lot of wilderness around. Mostly woods - anywhere that hadn't been turned into farmland.
8. Did you ever visit wilderness? I tried not to. But Barovia has a lot of that to offer.
9. Did you live in or near a body of water large enough to sail ships (not just boats) upon? I passed through some seaports, but I didn't really stay for long.
10. Have you ever left the Prime Material Plane? As it seems, the Mists part of on the Material Plane, so...


1. Do you have many friends? ...I have Sock? Possibly... Alto and Marie. I wouldn't call that many...
2. Are any of your friends also adventurers? Obviously.
3. Do any of your friends owe you a favor? I'd say Lyrin owes me two gold. But I'm not one to count favors, usually.
4. Do you owe any of your friends a favor? I don't know? None that any of them have expressed to me. Though I suppose I owe them a lot for the fact that I am alive right now...
5. Did you ever have to protect a friend from someone or something? Certainly tried to....
6. Did a friend ever protect you from someone or something? Certainly tried to, with mixed success.
7. Do you have a best friend or friends that are especially important to you? They're all important, friend or not. I suppose Sock has a special place.


1. Who taught you the proficiencies and features of your class? Father Antoine has taught me everything practical. Anything else is a gift of my goddess.
2. Who taught you the proficiencies of your background? Most of that I got taught by my parents. Abyssal and elvish, a little bit of arcana...
3. Who taught you the other things you know – how to read and write, racial proficiencies, and the like? My parents. Mostly my mother.
4. Did you have a favorite subject or subjects? Learning about history was pretty interesting. And anything involving monsters of any kind, as scary as they may have been.
5. Did you have a subject or subjects you disliked Honestly, any science involving math or magic or whatever. My parents' favorite subjects.


1. Have you ever been in a romantic relationship? A couple. Uhm, three.
2. Have you ever been in love? I have. And I am.
3. Have you ever loved someone who didn’t love you? Could make that case about my previous relationships, but I think, or at least hope, that they actually felt something for me at some point.
4. Have you ever been loved by someone you didn’t love in return? Not that I'm aware of. Unless I count Sock's awkward attempts at flirting.
5. Are you married? No. Not yet...?
6. Have you ever been married, but it is now ended (death, divorce, abandonment, other)? No.


1. What is your favorite kind of music? Something calm. A nice piano piece? Don't often get to hear that, though. Marie plays some nice music. ...when it's not some horrifying lullabies.
2. What is your favorite kind of food? Any nice and warm meal is good. Baked cheese, like brie or camembert, with some nice bread? Nothing extraordinary, but so good.
3. Do you use any drugs (including tobacco and alcohol)? I... try not to. Still have my weak moments, I suppose. It's mostly the coin in my pocket, or lack therof, that keeps me from indulging in a smoke or drink too often.
4. Are you addicted to anything? I try not to, even if it takes all of my willpower, to be frank. It is... tempting to just give in, sometimes. To just forget everything. But I know if I did... I would never get back out.
5. Do you like to dance? Not.. particularly? Can't say I'm very good at it.
6. Do you like to gamble? I try not to. It's an easy entertainment, if shortwhile. The regret afterward is rarely worth it.
7. Do you like dining out? If I can afford it. Certainly tastes better than anything I could conjure up.
8. Do you like to travel? I wouldn't say I like it.
9. Do you like public spectacles (e.g., circus, gladiatorial games)? At times. It's a welcome distraction. I try to avoid the more bloody ones, though.
10. Do you like libraries? I wish I liked them more, frankly. I appreciate a good book. It just reminds me a little too much of my parent's obsession.


1. Do you style your hair and / or beard? I keep both short to not have to bother with that.
2. Do you like the latest fashions in clothing? Sticking to priestly vestments is a good excuse for not bothering with any of that.
3. Do you wear the clothes than would be expected for your race and social class? I... suppose? I guess it's not impressing the rich. But I'm a man of the cloth, so that is what I am wearing.
4. Do you strive to be attractive? Eh.
5. Do you wear jewelry? Not any more than I need to for my faith.


1. Do you attend religious services? Not as much as I'd like to, especially since I'm traveling. Not many Pharasmin services to be found around here. I used to conduct some myself, though our church was always more concerned with the services we provide, rather than sermons.
2. If you do attend, are you sincere? As sincere as I can be.
3. Do you believe the gods of the campaign world are real? I wouldn't be a cleric of one otherwise.
4. Do you believe the gods of the campaign world are beneficial to their worshipers? Pharasma certainly is, but I'm not sure if that is true for all faiths.
5. Do you like / love the gods you worship? Again, I wouldn't be a cleric of hers, otherwise.
6. Do you fear / hate the gods you worship? I don't. But believe some people should, for the atrocities they commit.
7. Do you try to avoid acknowledging the gods of the campaign world, even though you believe in them? Quite the opposite.
8. Do you make offerings to gods you don’t worship, just to be safe? Not to just any god. There is many that embody cruelty and atrocities, as depraved as people themselves can be. But I try to pay my due respect to gods that aid people in everyday life.
9. How important are your religious beliefs to your choices? -motions to self-
10. Are your religious beliefs similar to those of your family? Oh, not at all. Don't think they ever considered Pharasma with more than a passing curiosity. They're rather following the god of knowledge and magic, though much more in action and lifestyle than piety. Just as he likes it best, I suppose.
11. Are your religious beliefs acceptable to typical members of your race and home? Yes? While the faith of Pharasma is not one most people pray to regularly, most people appreciate aid in birth or death.
12. Are you curious about other religions? I am. I try to keep an open mind towards everyone's beliefs. Unless they're an anathema to my faith's tenets. In which case it is still helpful to know what I am dealing with.


1. Are there nations you would fight to defend? People? Yes. Communities? Possibly. Nations? I care little to fight in a war the powerful are waging.
2. Are there rulers you would fight to overthrow? I suppose I am trying to do just that at the moment.
3. Do you identify with any political cause or party or faction? Not so much, but I must admit, I'm not all that informed about all the powers that be. I suppose any cause that has the safety and well-being of people in mind is a good one, even if none of that should be political.
4. Have you sworn fealty to any person or group? Only my faith.
5. Do you bear ill will toward any ruler or nation? Hah. Yeah.


1. Is there a creature that fascinates you? I mean. Have you ever watched a raccoon? Entertainment for hours.
2. Have you ever interacted with any extremely powerful creature? The Abbot counts as one, I suppose? And a couple of vampires.
3. Is there a creature that disgusts you? Hah. Well. Any undead existance is one too many. But while most of these people are merely victims of their fate, there is some particularly despicable ones that prefer to indulge in their undead state.
4. What is your nickname? Just Gary, for the most part. Apparently I also earned the nickname Garebear.
5. Is there a type of weapon or spell that you like for reasons other than utility? The Spirit Guardian I can summon makes me feel a little closer to my goddess and my faith, even when the Mists seem to have disturbed our connection.
6. Have you ever been knocked unconscious? That's one way to say it. I've been knocked dead would be another.
7. Do you feel attracted to any of the four elements? Not particularly.
8. What is your favorite season? Autumn is quite pleasant. Not too hot, surrounded by wonderful colors, and a good excuse to stay inside. Unless you have to be outside and in the rain. Then it's a little less pleasant.
9. Do you prefer plants or animals? Animals, I suppose. Hard to resist such a lively and soft companion.
10. What is your favorite type of terrain? Whatever I can walk on. A solid road is preferable.
11. What is your goal? To undo Strahd, in whatever way possible. To help the people of Barovia. To protect Ireena, in whatever way I can.....
12. What is the greatest disappointment of your life? Disappointment is a bit of an understatement for most things that come to mind. I suppose, a true disappointment is... seeing all the things Lyrin is willing and capable of doing. And it is worrying me especially since she, too, is in a relationship with the woman I love.
13. Have you ever committed a crime? Not knowingly....? No, wait, breaking into the burgomaster's jail was definitely not allowed. Also, I'm not sure if visiting that cock fighting ring was all that legal... or wise.