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It sounds like it would be a great place to start! I think It'd be super interesting to have very stuffed animal specific concepts! Like,, how does he get clean? Shower or dry clean? Is he technically immortal now? Great stuff really!! I love it already!

You emanated Mallory and Yvonne? What are they trying to escape? :00

I like that idea XD he would probably hate being in a washing machine but I imagine that being effective. I think he’d just be trying to escape earth, I don’t think he has a home planet but he’d probably just want to leave (I haven’t considered Pixie as an alien before but that’s kind of what he is). Lots to think about!! I’m excited to draw these characters again!! I’ll probably do that soon

I can't wait to see it!! I can imagine him getting all geared up with equipment just so he can get clean haha! I wonder how he deals with stains! 

Also, may I ask, what's his little outfit? In his gallery he has something that reminds me of a military uniform!

And omg thank you for the follow!! You're super sweet!! >///<

Do you mind if I ask more about your OCs? ^^

Yeah!! The outfit is only an idea for now, I'm not entirely sure what it'll be used for in the future ^^ also of course!! I'm so glad you're interested in them!! :D that means a lot!!

Are ya kidding?? I love them! I have a lotta things to inquire about, if you don't mind! I love the story and just the idea! The ideas are so creative!! Tell me if you don't want your comments flooded and would rather talk somewhere else haha! I really would like to get ton know more of your fellas!

How’s your day been! ^^

Hey, sorry for late reply!! I've been busy XD but yeah, DMs would be cool if you wanna chat more!! That'd be great!! :D

1 Replies